nigel josef

art director, graphic designer, with a knack for writing

Girls E-Mentorship: I’m Not Racist, But…

Fictional campaign for a school assignment.

Role: Art Director, Copywriter
Graphic Designer: Aries de Paz, Darren Senewiratne

This was a quick project done in class, but one of my favourites. Girls E-Mentorship was looking for a campaign idea based around creating awareness for Asian hate and racism. Their main audience is high school girls that are of Asian ethnicity, and needed to get a message across that would be both educational and self-aware.

Despite the short amount of time to work on this project, this project is one of my favourites because of the copywriting I created behind it. It is a direct way of addressing comments that racialized people have heard throughout their lives, validating their experiences. It also creates self-awareness for those who may not have thought themselves to be racist and may have used these phrases in the past, creating a moment for reflection. It is a powerful piece that I am proud of.